Enjoying Gum Drop Grapes:
Expect big-time candy-sweet flavor bursting from these little fellas. They’re healthy, gummylicious snacks, so feel free to dive right in and eat as many as you want.
Working in tandem with their breeding partners, Grapery achieved the astonishing flavor using all-natural breeding practices. Bread for flavor, continuously experimenting, trying out a wide range of cross-pollination combinations. Frankly, the result was stunning when a new grape was discovered that tasted like gum drops! But, rest assured, it was accomplished by completely natural means. There was no “gum drop flavoring” applied or planting any sort of flavoring materials into the soil to attain the gum drop flavor. It was the result of a lot of hard work, innovation and, okay, a bit of good luck.
Grapery grows and harvests with a passionate focus on flavor. Farming for flavor means continuous experimentation and innovation, combined with meticulous attention to each vine’s needs throughout the growing season. Every detail matters. And unlike many other farmers, Grum Drop grapes are not picked all at once. Grapery grapes are picked only after they’ve reached their absolute peak of flavor. Each variety is selectively harvested several times during the growing season. Quite simply, we pick our best fruit when it’s at its very best.